==== Jobs ==== This is a constrained endpoint. You cannot list or meaningfully update. Retrieve -------- .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/jobs/9wORq4Z/ HTTP/1.1 .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id": "9wORq4Z", "creator": { "username": "foo@example.com", "is_staff": true }, "plan": "owEgDlm", "steps": [ "Lw7K5wK", ... ], "instance_url": "https://na53.salesforce.com", "results": { "Lw7K5wK": [ { "status": "ok" } ] }, "created_at": "2019-05-03T18:47:22.422135Z", "edited_at": "2019-05-03T18:47:36.956559Z", "enqueued_at": "2019-05-03T18:47:31.324809Z", "job_id": "ea2441f1-d72d-4521-b6d1-59f701807d37", "status": "started", "org_name": "OddBird", "org_type": "Developer Edition", "error_count": 0, "warning_count": 0, "is_public": false, "user_can_edit": true, "message": "

Success! You installed it.

", "error_message": "", "product_slug": "test-product", "version_label": "1.0.0", "version_is_most_recent": true, "plan_slug": "my-plan" } Create ------ .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/jobs/ HTTP/1.1 { "plan": "owEgDlm", "steps": [ "Lw7K5wK", ... ], "is_public": false } .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Destroy ------- .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/jobs/9wORq4Z/ HTTP/1.1 .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT (Note, it will take a little time to stop the job; this puts a sentinel in Redis, that the job runner will check for and bail if it finds.)