===== Plans ===== A ``Version`` has many ``Plans``, which detail the concrete steps to go through to apply metadata to an org. Put another way, a ``Plan`` is like a particular set of options for the ``Version``. List ---- .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/plans/ HTTP/1.1 .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id": "g45z7wA", "title": "Full Install", "version": "XG4pVvD", "preflight_message": "

Preflight message

", "tier": "primary", "slug": "full-install", "old_slugs": [], "steps": [], "is_allowed": true, "is_listed": true, "not_allowed_instructions": null, "requires_preflight": true, "order_key" 0, "supported_orgs": "Persistent" }, ... ] Retrieve -------- .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/plans/g45z7wA/ HTTP/1.1 .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id": "g45z7wA", "title": "Full Install", "version": "XG4pVvD", "preflight_message": "

Preflight message

", "tier": "primary", "slug": "full-install", "old_slugs": [], "steps": [], "is_allowed": true, "is_listed": true, "not_allowed_instructions": null, "requires_preflight": true, "order_key" 0, "supported_orgs": "Persistent" } Create ------ .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/plans/ HTTP/1.1 { "title": "Full Install", "version": "XG4pVvD", "preflight_message": "

Preflight message

", "tier": "primary", "steps": [], "is_allowed": true, "is_listed": true, "not_allowed_instructions": null, "requires_preflight": true, "order_key" 0, "supported_orgs": "Persistent" } .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Update ------ .. sourcecode:: http PATCH /api/plans/g45z7wA/ HTTP/1.1 { "preflight_message": "Oh *no*.", } .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id": "g45z7wA", "title": "Full Install", "version": "XG4pVvD", "preflight_message": "

Oh no.

", "tier": "primary", "slug": "full-install", "old_slugs": [], "steps": [], "is_allowed": true, "is_listed": true, "not_allowed_instructions": null, "requires_preflight": true, "order_key" 0, "supported_orgs": "Persistent" } Destroy ------- .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/plans/g45z7wA/ HTTP/1.1 .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Preflight Create ---------------- .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/plans/g45z7wA/preflight/ HTTP/1.1 .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Preflight Get ------------- .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/plans/g45z7wA/preflight/ HTTP/1.1 .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id": "107", "instance_url": "https://foo.salesforce.com", "user": "3Lw7OwK", "plan": "olNjglg", "created_at": "2019-05-03T18:30:18.240128Z", "edited_at": "2019-05-03T18:30:22.133936Z", "is_valid": true, "status": "complete", "results": {}, "error_count": 0, "warning_count": 0, "is_ready": true }